BlogTv - Jonathan Wong and his Child Porn collection

Yesterday was the Live telecast of BlogTv on Channel News Asia.
I wore a Herve Leger inspired skirt from theblogshop. Their outlets are at Far East, City Plaza and Haji Lane. (see their website for the exact addresses). I'm not sure if all their outlets have the exact same stock, but I picked up this skirt from their City Plaza outlet.
And I wore my new GUESS bling necklace too. Whoooo.... (I know the skirt would look nicer with a black tank, but I didn't want to wear black on set) Was a great experience. The hosts were very lively and passionate (esp the Flying Dutchman). All the guests were so friendly and chatty. There was a clinical psychologist (I like her a lot), a Dentist, and the wife of an MP.... and me ....*stupid grin*. We were discussing the case of Jonathan Wong who was recently arrested in the UK for having 50 hard core child porn videos in his computer. He has since lost his MOE scholarship (he was en route to becoming a teacher).

I won't repeat what was said on the show. But I can say... that the majority of teachers are NOT the goody two shoes you think they are..... even myself... but of course you already know that about me... since I live my life so publicly on my blog.

But expectations can be absurdly unrealistic.

I remember my ex Vice Principal once subtly mentioned something about the students being aware everytime I changed BFs (this actually during my year plus of singlehood after Skye... so I wasn't really changing Boyfriends lah... I was just dating many people in succession)... and then in the same breath she said something about students looking up to me as a role model.


Like... what? I should stick to the same idiot Date and then eventually marry him because having many BFs makes me a BAD role model??!!

This same Vice Principal (she was a really nice lady.. just that I didn't understand what I was doing wrong, really), was the same person that told me I should not wear opaque tights to school because they were "too trendy".

HUH!? How does that affect my ability to teach? Not as if I was sexing it up dressed like a pole dancer (!)... the tights were under an appropriate length dress. So it would be ok to bare my legs under that dress, but I cannot wear black opaque tights underneath that same dress because it's TRENDY??? *boggled*

Lots more stories like this... not just with the Vice P... you get parents and even other teachers with unrealistic expectations too.

Anyway... I just wanted to tell you guys, that this Jonathan Wong type person is more common than you think. Definitely a BIG amount of teachers (mostly male) watch porn... then like in any other professon, there will be some who beat their spouses, abuse their maids, drink themselves silly, you name it... they'll have it.

The only difference is, it's not public. So... please don't just bubble wrap your kids and fire/execute/kill/deport every Jonathan Wong you come across... because that is not the solution.

Your kid will remain a useless, street-dumb, four-eyed, tit-suckling fool. Teach them from an early age how to respect others and themselves, how to distinguish between bad touches and good ones, what to do when they feel unsafe and most importantly how to assert themselves and be brave enough to say "NO".

As for Jonathan Wong, I reckon if he were never found out, he probably would have made a good teacher and his "hobby" would never affect his work (just like the thousands of teachers out there with skeletons in their own closets). But of course I cannot say this with 100% certainty as I was not born with divine powers of amazing foresight....(unlike many Singaporeans out there, it seems).


  1. you're missing the point.

    teachers watching porn is fine, watching porn is actually normal. but CHILD porn is not normal. it is disgusting and should be severely punished.

  2. also, i think people who watch child porn are perverted and mentally unstable. people who watch child porn have a higher tendency to act out their fantasies, as compared to normal people watching normal porn.

    Below is from Wikipedia:
    According to the Mayo Clinic of the U.S.A., studies and case reports indicate that 30% to 80% of individuals who viewed child pornography and 76% of individuals who were arrested for Internet child pornography had molested a child.

    So how is it that if Jonathan Wong is not found out, he probably can make a good teacher? imagine if you are a mother, would you let someone like this go near your kids? let alone be their teacher!

  3. Anonymous9:37 pm

    Adult Porn and Child Porn are 2 different matters my dear....

    Child Porn is incredibly sick and it should be condem down to hell. I can't believe you actually speak up for the pervert.

  4. you are missing MY point.

    I am not saying that Jonathan Wong should NOT BE PUNISHED. It's a crime, he was caught, of course he should be punished.

    But what I am saying... is tht the solution to KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE is NOT to go on hyper alert and try to weed out EVERY Jonathan Wong.

    For every Jonathan Wong we catch, there are thousands more out there. So educate your children to be more aware/informed/street-smart instead of molly-coddling them.

    As for whether he will be a good teacher- I said probably... and I said I dont know because I can't tell the future and neither can you. Of course I am not saying tht despite being caught for porn, we chould still let him teach! I said tht IF HE WERE NEVER Caught in the first place... he might be a good teacher... we don't know tht he would become a paedophile or child molester ( despite your wikipedia drawn percentages... 30% TO 80%?? quite a range that is.).

    PLease don't jump to conclusions and think that I am defending Jonathan wong.. I am not. I am all for punishing the guilty. But I am also saying--- get with the programme people! There are many many many more teachers just like Jon Wong. Maybe one is teaching your child right now. You cannot tell just by looking at someone, you cannot help tht. But what u can do is stop making you kid so stinking defenceless.

  5. Anonymous10:42 pm

    Your point is so weak!
    This entry just proves that you are a bimbo.

  6. Anonymous10:45 pm


  7. Anonymous10:46 pm

    Love your post Holly! Way to go. It's time parents bloody hell let their kids grow up and stand on their own two feet. Parents out there, are you seriously gonna lock your damn children up till the age of 40 and still mother-cuddle them then. geez.

  8. Anonymous11:02 pm

    I concur with above! I can not believe she wrote this!!!
    'As for Jonathan Wong, I reckon if he were never found out, he probably would have made a good teacher and his "hobby" would never affect his work'

    This guy gets his kick out of child pornography, for christ sake!!! Unbelieveable!

  9. Anonymous11:34 pm

    Wow. People are taking things out of context again.

    I believe she said - "As for Jonathan Wong, I reckon if he were never found out, he probably would have made a good teacher and his "hobby" would never affect his work (just like the thousands of teachers out there with skeletons in their own closets). But of course I cannot say this with 100% certainty as I was not born with divine powers of amazing foresight....(unlike many Singaporeans out there, it seems)."

    You can't just take the first half and then omit the rest.

    I think you didn't even realise that while she qualified her statement by saying she doesn't actually know the outcome as she is not a fortune teller... she was also taking a dig at people who just make sweeping statemtns that someone who watches child porn will surely become a paedophile or bad teacher.


    p/s- kudos Holly. Well said. I caught you on tv yesterday too.

  10. Anonymous12:46 am

    Holly, maybe the point is that some of your readers feel that your stand on Jonathan Wong in your original post was ambiguous.

    That, in my opinion, is a fair enough criticism. Having said that, however, I am comforted that the disagreements between some of your readers and you are not fundamental: you agree that child porn is a serious offense, and that no excuse can or should be made for it.

  11. Jenna1:44 am

    I agree with Sara. The fact of the matter is, Jon Wong watched child porn. Nobody would give a hoot if he watched porn.

    Parents can inform and educate their children all day long but they cannot do anything about the sick fantasies of some disturbed teachers.

    And when you're a teacher, you invariably have SOME responsibility as a role model whether you like it or not. If you can't accept that it is a fact of the occupation, then you shouldn't be a teacher because students are impressionable and easily influenced at that age- teachers are one group of people they MAY look up to. Sure, teachers should live their lives as they want to but shouldn't let certain values of theirs to seep into the classroom where students are not mature as yet.

  12. holly, porn is one thing, CHILD porn another. would you allow your man to watch child porn?

  13. & btw (sorry for commenting twice), i kinda get what you're trying to point out, but honestly, i wouldn't be pleased to know that my child is attending class w/ someone who is probably fantasizing about him sexually. i mean really, it's 50, not 5. that's a large number; nobody who watches that much child porn can be right in the head. i just feel that our MOE should do more to screen teachers before deeming them acceptable.

  14. Jennifer1:51 am

    Wonderful entry, Hollyjean!

    I was reading some of the replies and I find it amusing. If people who watch child porn have a higher tendency to act out their fantasies, then how can we neglect those who watched normal porn? Don't they also have such tendency as well? So are we going to prosecute every single one of them, rather than attempting to teach your children how to make a right judgement?

    Educating the kids is definitely a more realistic way of approach. In normal daily life, we often exercise this approach but why can't we adopt such mindset for this case as well? For instance, we teach the kids how to cross the roads safely rather than stop them from crossing any roads even though there's high risks and dangers like road accidents. Same thing, educate your children to learn to protect themselves!

  15. Anonymous9:22 am

    that was amazing

  16. Whoa all the comments have been REALLY interesting to read.
    I do understand Holly's point though, because it's the first thing I thought when I first read about this case on the papers. Child porn is sick - correct. However, as someone else pointed out above, there are heaps of people out there with strange, often criminal fetishes eg rape porn and GOD FORBID beastiality. But there is probably only a 1 in 100,000 chance that they'd act out their fantasies. If Jonathan Wong had been smart enough to lock his files on the college network, and had never been caught, we'd probably never know there was a teacher with a pedophilic fetish in one of our schools - 'cos I can assure you he'd probably come across as being nice and 'normal'

  17. Hi Holly,

    Seems like you are taking out your frustrations of being a teacher with this entry, which might make you come across as taking Jon Wong's side here.

    I sympathise with the silly dressing requirements you had to put up with but perhaps you need to put your emotions aside and address the matter.

    You can teach your kids to be brave and teach them to say no, but they are after all, children under parentship/guardianship.

    I graduated from secondary school 6 years ago and i remember having a friend who was having relations with her tutor. She was a loud girl, who could definately have said NO. But why didnt she? I think it was due to her family problems with her parents splitting up and causing her to feel lonely or whatever it was she felt.

    So what im trying to say is, sure you HAVE to teach your kids to say no when they need to and also to be brave but in truth, children(under 18s) need to be protected. Sure, we cant weed them all out, but we sure as hell can try.

  18. Hi Diana,

    I understand where you're coming from.

    but with regards to saying no... it's not about being loud and brustish and SHouting no.. and karate chopping the perp in his gonads. It's about KNOWING that someone is over stepping their boundaries, and protecting themselves by saying no/ moving away from the situation/ telling an adult.

    Your friend obviously DID NOT KNOW how to say no. Her parents did not teach/ nurture/ give her enough attention to realise what was going on or that she was not coping well. ( sorry, don't mean to undermind the parents.. but it's truly what I feel). Even if she did not have this Tutor... her lack of this wariness (which should have been taught to her) and her self esteem issues (seems like) would have made he vulnerable to the neighbour, the postman, the man selling ice kachang under her block.

    If we weed out EVERY single person who has a past record ( eg. Jonathan wong's peeping tom record while he was 15) and every single person we THINK could harm our children... the world would be like... almost empty.

  19. Anonymous1:45 pm

    " Your kid will remain a useless, street-dumb, four-eyed, tit-suckling fool. "

    Sounds like how you turned out.

    Change the last part to "cock sucking fool".


  20. sherin3:00 pm

    whoa. there is really no need for name calling people.

    Holly Jean, I am a regular reader and a fan of most of your opinions, but this one was hard to stomach.

    Mainly because I think porn and child porn is very different. Acting out a porn fetish, on an adult, wrong as it may be, is not half as bad as pushing yourself on a child.

    But this is IMHO of course.

    I dont think it's necessary folks to resort to name calling and mean words to put your opinion across. Right or wrong, this is her blog and she has a right to her opinions and you do yours.

  21. Ok guys, here's the thing - nowhere in the entry did Holly say she CONDONES child pornography. I think her point (which I agree with) is that while Jonathan Wong had very controversial private endeavours, publicly he obviously appeared well-adjusted and pleasant (how else do you think he got the scholarship?). So basically anyone we know - even that nice fatherly neighbour/teacher/canteen shop uncle that you know, could have a stash of child pornography or sicker material in their homes as well. It's not possible to weed out every single perverse person, unless we establish a nanny system in which every single computer is monitored by the government etc (in which case, I'm leaving Singapore 'cos that is an infringement of my right to privacy). The only way to protect our kids is to arm them with awareness, and to teach them to respect themselves and their bodies.

  22. D (comment before me) said it very well, i believe that was HJ's point, but unfortunately i think it wasn't worded or put accross in the entry too well so most people, incl myself i'd admit, got a little upset while reading.

    Child porn is not normal porn, most pple get that, and anyone who likes child porn can't possibly be labelled as normal or healthy psychologically. Thank God he got caught.

  23. Anonymous5:36 pm

    People please go google Vanessa George and then come tell me about about 'Teach them from an early age how to respect others and themselves, how to distinguish between bad touches and good ones, what to do when they feel unsafe and most importantly how to assert themselves and be brave enough to say "NO".
    It's about TRUST. Would you trust you child to be in the same room as Jonathan Wong knowing he enjoys watching innocent children being sexually abused? even if he's a really good teacher!!!

  24. Anonymous5:47 pm

    Curious about one thing --- why did your students know about your serial dating, or whether you had a bf at all? I am in the teaching profession and always carefully avoided answering such questions. Nor do I recall any of my teachers ever divulging much about their personal life even when pressed.

  25. Anonymous7:16 pm

    The point about porn is controversial without a doubt. I agree with not turning a blind eye to the white elephant that is so obviously in the middle of the room.

    Although you did not take a stand on child pornography in this post, and I assume your position is that you do not think that it is right to do so. The line here is very clear, whether public or private, paedophilia is not normal.

    It is a natural extrapolation based on your arguments for people who do not watch the video (no idea what you said on it) to infer, from your blog post that the inclination towards paedophilia is in the private domain and consequently, it is an infringement of personal/private rights to address the issue of paedophilia? Surely, this cannot be right.

    Being a public figure as you are holly jean, i am not sure if you are sending out your message in the right way.

  26. Holly Jean,

    I trust you have now read the post the mention that many users of child porn are just one step away from being a pedophile.

    There are many cases reported around the world of teachers having sex with underage children.

    How could you be sure that Mr. Wong would be a good teacher if he were not found out?

    What would you think years from now, when you might very well be a mother, when your child comes home teary eyed and frightened from a teacher fondling your 10 year old child genitals?


  27. Some people have serious problems here with parsing and understanding basic English.

    The education system has way to improve indeed.

    Try not to misinterpret then argue against the misinterpreted version people!

    (E.g. Anon 7:16, should try to improve reading skills)

    As another point to add, how should MOE filter for pedophiles, procedurally?

    Should they put a "Have you ever jerked off on an individual below age 10 Y/N"?

  28. Anonymous8:36 pm

    David, any chance to figure the distinction between someone saying Jonathan would be surely a good teacher and someone saying Jonathan "probably would have made a good teacher" ... "But of course I cannot say this with 100% certainty as I was not born with divine powers of amazing foresight....(unlike many Singaporeans out there, it seems)."???

    No one teaches in Singapore to both read and understand what was written?

  29. Anonymous10:19 pm

    Oh Holly,

    you should just stick to what you do best which is to blog about make up, budget fashion, keeping skinny and dating white men. If you can't see how comparing the tough stance on paedophilia to dubious dress codes would outrage people, then I'm sorry but you deserve whatever backlash you're getting. You said "please don't just bubble wrap your kids and fire/execute/kill/deport every Jonathan Wong you come across... because that is not the solution." I don't see how you can't see how apathetic and insensitive you are coming across on the very real problem of child pornography! So you felt some infringement on your lifestyle while you were teaching... It does not mean that you're entitled to flippantly use Jon Wong as an example of parents/teachers overreating to everything. I've never had a
    problem with what you've written Holly Jean but you should really listen to the comments here, and by that, I don't mean the readers Molly coddling you & defending your ignorance.

  30. Anonymous11:53 pm

    G -
    if it was clear in the first place, there wouldn't be room for 'misinterpretation'. I respect Holly's point of view and believe she certainly does not advocate child pornography.

    The bottom line is, I agree that paedophilia is not the topic of debate in this entry, but all I am saying is that the manner in which the entry is presented does not ring fence the issue sufficiently, hence causing a ruckus, as you can see for yourself. It's just a comment to Holly for her to choose whether or not she wishes to take the point on board.

    This is a good platform(albeit may be not the most appropriate, sorry Holly!) to discuss this issue. But let's discuss opinions backed by facts, not aggression. Also, please do not 'misinterpret' my arguments, because I think that you're missing my point entirely.

    Anon 7:16

  31. Anonymous5:26 am

    "For every Jonathan Wong we catch, there are thousands more out there. So educate your children to be more aware/informed/street-smart instead of molly-coddling them."
    Agree with what you say regarding this. And from your personal examples given, I understand and agree that teachers aren't saints, just like nobody is. It's just that many of people's faults aren't exposed. so we should bubble wrap out kids in an unrealistic world.

    BUT.........this point of yours is very WRONG imo,
    "But what I am saying... is tht the solution to KEEP YOUR KIDS SAFE is NOT to go on hyper alert and try to weed out EVERY Jonathan Wong."
    we should weed out EVERY Jonathan Wong whenever possible because he has committed a CRIMINAL offence. That is NOT normal things character or personality faults, but CRIMINAL. This is not about being wild or hot-tempered or selfish or promiscuous etc etc etc... I think that makes a big difference, CRIMINAL OFFENCE. if he's not caught, it's too bad. just like a murderer who's not caught is too bad, but that doesn't mean society should not try to expose these criminals if they know about it and try to weed them out. society can never weed criminals out, just like weeds can never be completed weeded, but we should always try to weed out.

  32. Anonymous4:59 am

    omg, whatever lah. pamper your little nimbees if you have to people, this is exactly why kids nowadays run home to mommy if they get bullied instead of throwing a clean punch back.

  33. Anonymous12:02 pm

    Kids are very innocent and it's very easy for adults to trick them. I was a victim as a kid, but I didn't tell anyone, evn though my mother had told me sternly a few times to tell her if anyone touched me in that way.

    1) The whole incident felt very shameful and I was ashamed to tell anyone.

    2) The touches felt good to me and I was confused.

    3) The person was a family member.

    The nature of such incidents is that the kid will very likely keep it secret and fear consequences if they tell. I had sleepless nights over it and headaches every weekend when I knew I would be facing the person.

    It's not as easy as you think to "equip" your child against such people. Paedophiles are very cunning and manipulative and often will become the child's "friend" first. What us parents are saying is, definitely TRY to catch ALL the paedophiles out there!!! It doesn't equate to parents being overprotective. When you have your own child, you will finally understand. We will of course do what we can to educate our children... really, do we need you to tell us???

  34. I am not saying to parents out there that we should let all paedophiles run free.

    Of course if someone breaks the law, we will jail him or punish him.

    But I am saying that THAT alone will not protect your child.

    How do you intend to hunt down a paedophile when he hasn't committed the crime?

    Stigmatising somoene who has committed an offence while he himself was a child ( e.g being a peeping tom at age 14), how is that fair?

    JOnathan wong is not a paedophile (no matter what the statistics say)... he is only a paedophile if he is caught for THAT crime. ANd yes he should be punished for his crime of watching child porn. ANd of course because of tht he will no longer have a career in MOE.

    I am saying that he could have JUST AS EASILY not have gotten caught... and ended teaching in your kid's classroom... and you wouldn't be able to tell that he is a paedophile ( or any other teacher for tht matter)... and yes, he would PROBABLY make a good teacher in that classroom even.

    ANd there are many people out there will ill intentions running free around your children, btw.

    obviously you cannot put people away simply because they look like a creep, or peeked under a girl's skirt when he was a child, or has sick thoughts in their heads..

    SO THEN WHAT? Too bad so sad.. let your kid get raped silly? hmmm... yes... I guess I don't need to tell you.

    P/s- anon12.14 , sorry to hear abt your childhood experience. But even having the iron hand and going on a rampage to crush all paedophiles would not have saved you from your awful experience with you uncle. You do realise that right? :(

  35. Anonymous1:19 pm

    I think HJ is simply not informed enough to post such a blog post and is better off sticking to her usual topics of fashion, white men, being skinny etc

    writing her teaching experience about not wearing her opaque tights and Jonathon wong case all in 1 breath just doesn't sit well with many readers. we all know that she is NOT condoning what Jonathon has done or paedophiles nor do we need her valuable "advice" of telling us to teach our kids, it's just that the way she wrote about such a topic seems to be trivalising it and no matter what we readers try to say, she will be very defensive so let's just leave it as that and let her move on to the topics that she is well informed on - fashion, being skinny & white men.

  36. Anonymous1:28 pm

    You certainly are not fit to be a Teacher. Even if you have all the knowledge in the world. You know that too right?

    "majority of teachers are NOT the goody two shoes you think they are" This is an extremely biased statement of yours and you are being very unfair to so many of the passionate, caring, morally upright and dedicated teachers out there who truly care for their students. I agree that there are teachers like you who are not really as good a person as they portrayed themselves to be but you shouldn't overgeneralize things and claim that MAJORITY of the teachers are not good people. Yes all teachers are not saint but it is because they are still humans afterall! Throughout my teenage years I have met many nice and dedicated teachers who care for us and openly let us into their lives; visit to their homes, play with their kids, telling us real life stories etc and as such we trusted them and created a bond that was a strong motivator for us to excel in our studies. They are not like what you said; "with skeletons in their own closets".

    Maybe you will never understand what I'm saying here because you were never like them. You don't even agree that changing boyfriends frequently is a bad thing! You could be those teachers who were in it just for the money and didn't bother to build rapport with the kids and just do the minimal. But please don't publicize your own prejudice without any reservations it is extremely unfair to the teachers who are fit to be a teacher.

  37. Just because you could not make it in a teaching career does not warrant most teachers as not saint. There are teachers who still pursue the cause of education for our society and children. You pursue your goals outside of education, so be it. Whether you want to admit or not, no matter what you say, you cannot change the fact most students look up to teachers, just as a child looks up to parents; i guess we will see this truth when we have our own children. Your future children will definitely look up to the adults around them. I believe you, being gone through a certain amount of education, will know that.

    Nobody is officially referring jonathan wong as a paedophile; if any, it will be due to societal labelling by the public. I agree that paedophile cannot be caught until he/she is caught for that crime. However, it is still very premature for us to determine that jonathan wong is not a paedophile. There is a reason laws come to be enacted in the first place, in this case, laws prohibiting child pornography. Once again, you can choose not to believe "no matter what the statistics say", but you can never deny the knowledge and power of correlation which statistics present regarding certain individual behaviours, ie peeping, child porn, and paedophiliac outcomes. True enough, these might not be definitive in ruling a person as a pedophile; but these are definitely telltale signs which we choose to be cautious of.

    Education stems upon the premise of research and statistics; it is only through these knowledge that we can equip our students in schools. As many people above have said, do not take out your frustrations of not becoming a teacher in this line of argument here; it just makes matters worse in you trying to discredit many teachers who believe in the real cause of education. Surely you do not want others to discredit your so-called pursue in dating so as to find your true love? Just stick to your usual blogging about fashion and make-up.

  38. I have met many teachers (both who taught me and friends who go on to become teachers) who I won't call examples of wholesome goodness.

    People have to remember they are just regular humans who chose to teach for various reasons, some good, some questionable. The ratio of weirdos versus our standards of norm in the teachers population are probably more or less like the ratio of the society as a whole.

    Honestly, there isn't any way to weed out possible troublemakers from the genuine teacher wannabes. People need to see things for what they are and stop going on a witch-hunt persecution thing. The MOE is only responsible in training applicants and if someone is determine in keeping their perversion a secret, there is little chance it will surface... It was just luck that it was uncovered in this case.

  39. Ok guys, shes gonna deny this but I think her stance on this is a publicty stunt. Her blog has been slow since she met GB so I think she really needs the hits. Lets give her that?

  40. Anonymous10:54 am

    huh how u know her blog been slow since she met GB?

  41. Anonymous12:14 pm

    Do you know what paedophile means? He is not a child molester, yes, but a paedophile is someone who is sexually attracted predominantly to children.. it's the definition of the word.

  42. ..because it doesnt take a genius to see her posts slowing down and most of them are ads and other lame crap... as compared to pre GB where there were more "substance" and effort put into her posts. But thats understandable since she's busy spreading her legs for GB these days.

  43. Anonymous11:45 pm

    Teaching is a loser's career for people that can't make it as doctors, teachers or lagi worse engineers. How to expect such "losers" to be saintly is beyond me. The only "saintly" teachers are those bodohs that grew up "wanting to teach" and educate the next generation because those are the closet pedophiles who are secretly yearning to spend all their time with young kids. Which explains why so many women are drawn to the teaching job "not a profession" as they want us to think of it, because those women are (i) all cannot make it as doctors or lawyers and (ii) they are all closet pedophiles yearning for young boys. However, I believe pedophilia only extends to young children that hasn't hit puberty and should not be defined by the legal age of capacity to consent to sex as that is too high and un-realistic limit. Agree????

  44. ScrewYou6:58 pm

    Anon 11:45 - you clearly sounded like some narrow minded, childish and silly little child. Agree????

  45. amused1:46 am

    Agree. Anon 11:45 sounded like he somehow managed to slip the system and did not receive education because his parents thought all teachers are losers and/or pedophiles. poor chap. never too late to get an education tho anon 11:45! :)

  46. Anonymous4:30 pm

    To Amused posts. It should be "Agreed" not "Agree". Ghessz you must be one of those closet pedophile teachers that wants to teach English but speaks English like a cross between a poodle and a hedgehog.

  47. Anonymous10:21 pm

    Anon 4:30. It should be "..teachers WHO want to teach English", not "..teachers that wants to teach English..". should really find that poodle hedgehog hybrid and beg it to give you English tuition.

  48. Anonymous6:35 pm

    Anon 10:21. To be pedantic, it should be "... teachers WHOM want to teach English..."

  49. girl with nothing to do8:20 pm

    Erm, I'm pretty sure it's teachers WHO want to teach. Rule of thumb: If you can substitute it with "he" or "she" it's WHO, if it's "him" or "her," it's WHOM. E.g She wants to teach English...Teachers WHO want to teach English. SOmething like that lah.

  50. Prof E3:41 am

    Yes it's teachers WHO want to teach. Having said that, in this sentence, WHO and THAT are interchangeable and are both acceptable.

    Isn't this post on the geek faced pervert?? Why pick on one another's grammar? -.-

  51. Anonymous5:05 pm

    the traditional term for whom is when "who" is used as the subject of a verb (in this case want). It could be argued that the original derivation was to use who as an introduction to a question, and to use whom when in a statement. But that would make to much sense to be correct...
    So why pick at grammar? obviously to be a humorous diversion from what degenerated into a cut down war.

  52. Anonymous7:25 pm

    I have wanted to post something like this on my website and this gave me an idea. Cheers.

  53. Anonymous10:14 am

    That was some interesting stuff here on Thanks for posting it.


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