is a one stop free online classifieds where you can sell, buy, swap, rent handbags, find bag cleaning services, forum and big sale events. It is Singapore's largest designer bags classifieds so you'll always see loads of new listings everyday and will get maximum exposure for your listings there as well.
I first blogged about SgBagRental 5 months ago (here), and now the site has new features too. You can now Add Sellers to Watchlist if you have a seller whose items you really like, that way you will be the first to know when they list any new bags.
Each product listing has all the important details you need to know about the designer bag including the price, condition, receipt, etc. The photos can be zoomed into so you get a clear look at what you're getting.
It is best you meet up with the seller/buyer so you can inspect the bag before buying/exchanging/renting it. You will find that this online community is made up of friendly women who love designer bags. Join them, so you can give in to your designer bag indulgences and save money at the same time ;)
The majority of the bags listed are high end designer brands like Hermes, Miu Miu, Chanel, Gucci, Balenciaga, but you also get brands like LongChamp, Kate Spade and Coach too. There's something there for every budget.
There are bags for men too... ...all you have to do is do an easy search for what you want.
There are bags for men too... ...all you have to do is do an easy search for what you want.
Fed up of your luxury bag because you've had it for a while now, but feel it's a waste to get a new one when your current one is in perfect condition? Why not do a swap? Maybe someone has it in a different colour, or has a bag you've always wanted... check out the bag exchange section.
If you're not quite sure what you want, or can't afford to buy just yet, or perhaps you only need a bag for an event or holiday... then Renting a Bag is a perfect choice for you. Of course, SgBagRentals is the best place for that.
So pop in to SgBagRentals to check out what's listed, and you can even post your own listing for free too! :)
This is really a great thing. I was searching such type of site where I can buy, sell or swap the bags according to my choice.
ReplyDeleteMarc Jacobs Bags