I was at Shunji Matsuo again this week to get my Cosme Cream Hair Straightening done. It's my second time using Cosme Cream for rebonding. I love the results of Cosme Cream because it's so natural, soft and shiny.
You can read more about my Cosme Cream experience from my blog review of it last year (Click here).
Right now I want to share with you more about the hair treatments I've been doing at Shunji Matsuo Hair Studio. They're the best treatments ever!
There's a special area set aside in the salon that's especially for hair treatments. The chair is a comfy reclining chair that reclines to a relaxing lying down position.
I had the scalp treatment done. Regular scalp treatment makes my scalp healthier and I don't even have dandruff problems anymore. There are about 5 steps for my treatment. The first is a cooling tingly scalp treatment liquid that is applied on my scalp.
Followed by an intense head and neck massage. It is very stress relieving. Plus it boosts circulation and helps my scalp absorb the applied treatment.
Then my chair is reclined, the treatment is rinsed off. The next step is a Scalp cleanser and steam. I love the steam, it smells wonderful while I'm just lying there.
One of the final steps is a deep steaming for 15 minutes. I always fall asleep...
The ends were blow dried in a wave...but on my own, I don't blow dry everyday so it's just wash and go... the result is just awesome soft straight and manageable hair.
Quote HOLLY and get 10% OFF all services with William/ director stylist!
Shunji Matsuo Hair Studio is at-
Ngee Ann City, Tower B #05-23,
391 Orchard Road, Singapore 238872
Tel: (+65) 6238 1522/1514
Website: WWW.SHUNJIMATSUO.COM.SG391 Orchard Road, Singapore 238872
Tel: (+65) 6238 1522/1514
Like them on Facebook: @Shunji Matsuo Hair Salon
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