Yesterday your Father felt you kick for the first time. It’s his first time ever. That moment was really special for him. We were on the sofa watching Scarface on Netflix. You were kicking away as usual, so I put his hand on my belly.
And he felt you kick! You should have seen his face light up :) . The kicks were pretty mild, I've felt you kick harder before, so I didn't think he would feel it from the outside. I thought it would take a few more weeks. (This was written when ur 18weeks gestation, before posting publicly on blog).
I felt ur first hard kick at 11wks! Amazingly early. I think it's because it's my second pregnancy. Compared to Myla whom I only felt at 24 weeks and even then it was more like gas bubbles kind of feeling, it wasn't a definite kick to start with. And then I could hardly feel her move. Your sister was born with hypotonia, and she's come a long way since. So remember to always look out for her and protect her. When mama and papa are gone, you will always have each other.
We cannot wait to hold you in our arms (but yes we can wait until full term. Please don't come too early!). Even your sister has a little doll now (which has an annoying name- Bong Bong) and she will feed it from a toy milk bottle, change the diapers, and shower it with loving kisses. We hope she will take to your arrival with the same gentleness and excitement. (If she doesn't, please forgive her ah, she's only 2! ). She kisses you (well, my belly) tenderly. I think she knows.
I hope that you being so active (bouncing around during your scans) and kicking me hard from early on means you will be big and strong. Every parent hopes and prays for their baby to be healthy and well. You will never know the weight of such worries until you become a parent yourself.
For now, grow well, and kick away little one.
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